Before we left Neveda Grandma and Grandpa Wheeler wanted to give Cyri a little early birthday party since they wouldn't be there for her real birthday on August 19th. She was so sick the whole week with an ear infection and trench mouth that this was about the only time the entire week that she smiled at all. For her presents she got a bubble toy, a push walker and a dancing I-dog, oh yea and a scary jack-in-the box.
Yes, I did say scary. It's got an ugly clown that pops out and this was Cyri's reaction. We really all thought she'd love it but this look was unexpected and priceless.
Grandma makes it all better. She was so hungry from having trench mouth and not being able to eat all week that once she got ahold of her cake she was in heaven. It was the most she'd eaten all week. I think she ate two big slices. I don't know why we didn't think to feed her this soft stuff earlier but it was just what the doctor ordered.
Immediatley after she finished we had to hurry and wash her up then we were packed in the car and on our way back to Utah. She was so full she slept the entire 8 hour road trip home.
very cute..i think he is very happy to see a lot of gifts..
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