Tuesday, November 2, 2010
School pictures- Part 2
Saturday, September 11, 2010
School picture day
Baby in the fridge
Chimney Rock Park
North Carolina Hmong Soccor Tournament
Well, I used up my last day of vacation from work to take a quick trip to North Carolina to see my Aunt Mai Yer. We only had 2 days so left Thurday night after work and stayed until Sunday afternoon. It was quick but well worth it. I hadn't seen my aunt in over 15 years and it was nice for my girls to get to meet more of their relatives from my side.
On Saturday we went to a Hmong soccor tournament and the girls finally got to dress up and wear their Hmong clothes to a legitimate Hmong event. Trinity has been to Hmong tournaments before but it was when she was really young so she didn't remember how they were. The whole morning she kept acting very concerned and asking if anyone else was going to be wearing Hmong clothes. After assuring her a few times that "Yes, there will be." I finally asked her what her issue was. She then explained that she doesn't remember people dressing up to come see her play soccor and didn't know how her cousins were going to play soccor wearing Hmong clothes either. Poor thing, after I was done laughing I explained to her that it's not her cousin's soccor game we were going to, they'll just have some teams there playing soccor for entertainment and that it's really more of a celebration about our culture and less about the soccor.
This is the girls posing with my Aunt's daughter Kaitlyn-9. Trinity and Kaitlyn were two peas in a pod.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Grandma's bike ride
Baby enjoyed her pudding
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Girls can do it too
The first of the "E-Wheeler" shows
So the girls have been watching way too much tv, ie the disney channel. The girls especially like to watch this show where the kids make web videos. I told the girls to stop watching tv and come up with a video of there own and I would post it then it would be like they had a webshow of their own....I'm genius. Not really but it got their creative juices flowing and away from the tv. Apparently I've been told there are more of these to come so presenting the first of the E-Wheeler show.
Anaiya's turn to jam
Anaiya maybe be shy but she can jam when she thinks no one is looking. We were waiting FOREVER while daddy was in Best Buy so I cranked up the radio, opened the sun roof and let the girls have fun.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Cyri is officially a toddler!!!
Trinity was such a good sister. Cyri refused to go into the jump houses unless she was being piggy back by some one and since adults weren't allowed on the jump houses, by default the task was put on Trinity. I'm glad I had a girl as my first born....nothing against boys but I've been told that girls are slightly more helpful.